If you’ve never heard of the term OEM or aftermarket part before, you’re not alone. While many buyers assume that all motorcycle parts are the same, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if a sprocket looks identical to another one on the shelf, if one component is an OEM part and the other is aftermarket, then those two parts will work very differently once installed into your motorcycle. To learn more about the differences between these two products—and why you’ll likely prefer an OEM part over an aftermarket— take a look at our article below.

What’s the Difference?

If you’re not familiar with the term OEM part, it stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer—meaning that the part was designed and constructed by the same company that originally produced your motorcycle. As a result, these parts are meant to be installed in motorcycles produced by that specific company. Meaning, if you have a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle, you won't be able to install an OEM component produced by Kawasaki®. Aftermarket parts on the other hand are mass-produced by a third-party manufacturer and are meant to be installed in a number of different makes and models of motorcycles. While this makes them much easier to get your hands on, the likelihood that the part is totally compatible with your specific model is somewhat low. 

The Benefits of OEM Motorcycle Parts

As we’ve already mentioned above, while an aftermarket part may fit into your motorcycle model, it likely isn’t completely compatible. While the model may still run fine, performance will definitely take a hit, and it’s often better to search for a specific OEM part than go with the first aftermarket component you can find. While OEM parts may be a bit more pricey, they’re guaranteed to last much longer than aftermarket parts, and may even come with a helpful warranty from the manufacturer. 

Looking to purchase a few replacement OEM parts for your motorcycle? Then look no further than our convenient location here in Eugene, Oregon! Here at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson®, we offer an enormous stock of high-quality OEM and aftermarket components, and will be happy to order you accessories that may be missing from our shelves! If you’re located nearby in Albany or Corvallis, Oregon, we look forward to seeing you soon here at Willamette Valley Harley-Davidson®.